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Getting Involved in VOIPSA
VOIPSA is an open non-profit group that aims to help organizations discover, understand and avoid VoIP security risks through discussion lists, white papers, sponsorship of VoIP security research projects, and the development of tools and methodologies for public use. VOIPSA is comprised of vendors, telecom providers, researchers, and users that have joined forces to achieve these goals so that VoIP adoption will be successful and unhampered by current and emerging security threats. There a couple of ways you can help out.

How you can participate - individually
To lay the foundation for future activities, we have decided to focus our efforts into two main working groups. Our projects are managed using a collaborative, consensus-based process. VOIPSA is a meritocracy where rights and responsibilities follow from the skills and contributions of participants. Each of the two active working groups needs volunteers to author, critique, and enhance content by leveraging their industry experience from the VoIP security arena. If you are interested in helping out, please check out one of the project pages and contact that project's leader. We strive to credit and acknowledge volunteers where appropriate in thanks for their time and efforts.

How you can participate - organizationally
VOIPSA is incorporated as a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization. Because we are a not for profit group, in order to accomplish some of our longer term goals we require financial support. Toward the end of 2005, we will be adopting an official charter and membership structure in line with most industry groups including dues, bylaws, etc. If your organization is interested in driving VOIPSA at the corporate level, please drop us a line and we will keep you updated.

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